Sunday School
All of our adult Sunday school classes are at 9:15a, and are spread throughout our campus. No matter your background, we have a group for you! Here are a list of our current adult Sunday schools:
Traditional Bible Study
We offer two adult classes geared toward traditional Bible study. The Disciples class meets in the North end of the dining room in Crossroads Center and C.O.F.F.E.E. gathers in the meeting room at Crossroads. These classes offer an enjoyable, insightful look at the books of the Bible. Bring your Bible or we have one for you.
Topical Video Studies
At Brewed Coffee House on the Pittsfield square, Jack Hull leads the group formally called the Select To Connect Small Group. Be prepared to let your hair down for real conversation.
Sermon Followup
In the dining room of the Crossroads Center, join Roger Brokaw as he dives deeper into the week's sermon. Formally a mid-week small group, this group chases after the seconds of what is offered each morning in the adult worship service.
CWF (Christian Women's Fellowship)
CWF has two circles (groups) that meet once a month during the school year. These meetings include a Bible study and a time of fellowship. Circle IV meets on the second Thursday of the month, 9:30a, at Carl's Cardinal Inn. Circle V meets the first Thursday of the month, 2:00p, at Crossroads Center. The ladies sponsor a yearly Christmas bazaar, provide and serve all our funeral dinners, help provide meals for our youth group, and help out wherever and whenever they are needed. Monies they raise go out to missions in the church and help out in the community.
CMF (Christian Men's Fellowship)
CMF meets every other month on a Sunday after worship service at Crossroads Center. They start with a meal and then have a program. CMF holds a fund-raiser when needed which pays half of the kids' summer church camp expenses with monies raised. They are also available to help out with other needs in the church as they arise.
Church Committees
Christian Education -- This committee oversees Sunday School, Vacation Bible School, Youth ministries and anything pertaining to Christian Education.
Worship and Music -- This committee oversees Christmas and Easter special services, all seasonal decorations and assisting Evangelism and Shepherding committees with special services and meals.
Evangelism -- This committee works on promoting our church to the community through a variety of ways. They also assist with special events that provide evangelistic activities for the church and community as well as assisting with special services and meals.
Shepherding -- This committee is responsible for nurturing our members, sending cards to those with needs or special occasions, providing fellowship Sunday treats once a month and assisting with special services and meals.
Outreach -- This committee does all our mission work both locally and globally. They offer our Christmas adopt-a-family program, oversees giving to our church-sponsored missionaries, and oversees local assistance with our church family needs as well as donating to and assisting Pike County Unmet Needs. Ukraine Refugee Relief Update
Serving Schedules
Elder: Bob Clark, Matt Saxe
8:00 Communion: Richard & Rebecca Rhodes
10:30 Communion: Jeremy & Alicia Tate
Children's Church: Ali Curless, Molly Caughlan
Fellowship Treats: Bev White, Kathy Hull, Becky Barger, Cindy Chamberlain
Elders: Charlotte Dunham, Alicia Tate
8:00 Communion: Tom & Debbie Robinson
10:30 Communion: Jason & Erica Thomas
Children's Church: Stan & Jill Moss
Elder: Zachary Boren, Roger Brokaw
8:00 Communion: Michael & Jessie Smith
10:30 Communion: Chris & Cherie Wagoner
Children's Church: Kay Sealock, Mike & Julie Boren
Elder: Matt Saxe, Steve Tharp
8:00 Communion: Dan & Sue Speckhart
10:30 Communion: Eric & Jill Kunzeman, Justin & Amber Poor
Children's Church: Grace Henthorn, Katie McDevitt
Elder: Alicia Tate, David Bishop
8:00 Communion: Steve & Vickie Tharp
10:30 Communion: Rokettia Brokaw, Rosi Picone, Joyce Harrison
Children's Church: Ali Curless, Molly Caughlan
Fellowship Treats: Vickie Tharp, Bev White, Sandy Wigington, Amber Poor