First Christian Church | Pittsfield


Blessed Holy Week

03.26.24 | Michael's Corner | by Michael Ten Eyck

    Dear Church Family,

    As we journey through Holy Week, we are reminded of the immense hope that Christ brings to our lives, especially during times when the world seems to be spinning out of control. The events of Holy Week, from Palm Sunday to Resurrection Sunday, offer us profound insights into finding hope and meaning even amid uncertainty and chaos.

    On Palm Sunday, we recall Jesus' triumphant entry into Jerusalem, greeted with shouts of "Hosanna!" by the crowds waving palm branches. It was a moment filled with hope and anticipation, as many believed that Jesus would bring about a new era of peace and freedom. However, as the week progressed, the atmosphere shifted dramatically.

    The Last Supper on Maundy Thursday reminds us of the depth of Christ's love and his willingness to serve others, even knowing the trials that lay ahead. The betrayal by Judas and the agony in the Garden of Gethsemane highlight the human experience of betrayal, fear, and anguish. It is in these moments of darkness that we often feel the world is spiraling out of control, mirroring the challenges we face in our own lives.

    Good Friday marks the crucifixion of Jesus, a day of sorrow and despair for his disciples and followers. The world appeared to be engulfed in darkness, hopelessness, and confusion. Yet, it is precisely in this darkness that the light of Christ shines most brightly. Through his sacrificial love and ultimate victory over sin and death, Jesus offers us hope beyond measure.

    What is known as Holy Saturday, is a day of solemn reflection.  It invites us to pause and contemplate the depth of God's love and the promise of resurrection. And finally, Resurrection Sunday bursts forth with the glorious message of hope and new life as we celebrate Christ's triumph over sin, death, and the grave. The tomb is empty, death is conquered, and hope is restored!

    In our present world, filled with uncertainties, conflicts, and challenges, it's easy to feel overwhelmed and discouraged. However, the story of Holy Week reassures us that no matter how ominous the circumstances may seem, there is always hope in Christ. His love is unwavering, his promises are true, and his power is unmatched.

    As we navigate the ups and downs of life, let us hold fast to the hope that Christ offers. Let us draw strength from his resurrection and live as beacons of hope and love in a world that often feels chaotic and troubled. May this Holy Week renew our faith, rekindle our hope, and inspire us to spread the message of Christ's love to all.

    May you experience a blessed Holy Week filled with hope, peace, and the joy of resurrection!

    Loving you all, 