First Christian Church | Pittsfield


Clear View of Christ

08.27.24 | Michael's Corner | by Michael Ten Eyck

    Dear Church Family,

    As we walk by our church building now, there's a noticeable change—one that brings a fresh perspective to how we see our church. The shrubs that had surrounded the building for years were removed last week. Over time, these shrubs had grown taller and thicker, slowly but surely obstructing the view of much of the church's lower part. It wasn’t until they were cleared away that we could fully appreciate the beauty of the building again.

    This situation serves as a powerful reminder of the importance of diligence in our spiritual lives. Just as those shrubs gradually grew and blocked the view of the church, so can other things in our lives grow unchecked and obscure what is meant to be visible to the world—the light of Christ within us and the presence of God in our lives. Hebrews 2:1 warns us, "We must pay the most careful attention, therefore, to what we have heard, so that we do not drift away." Without consistent diligence, small issues can build up over time and become significant barriers to our witness.

    Diligence in our spiritual walk means regularly tending to our faith, just as a gardener tends to a garden. Proverbs 4:23 advises, "Above all else, guard your heart, for everything you do flows from it." Regular prayer, study of Scripture, and fellowship with other believers are essential practices that keep our hearts aligned with God and prevent the overgrowth of distractions, sin, or neglect.

    It’s easy to let things slip little by little, whether it’s neglecting time in God’s Word, allowing unresolved conflicts to fester, or letting worldly concerns take precedence over our spiritual priorities. But these small slips can grow into major issues that not only affect our relationship with God but also hinder others from seeing Him clearly in us. As the apostle Paul reminds us in 1 Corinthians 10:12, "So, if you think you are standing firm, be careful that you don’t fall."

    Just as we’ve restored the view of our church building, we are called to maintain a clear view of Christ in our lives for all to see. Let us commit to being diligent in our faith, regularly assessing and addressing the areas that need attention, so that nothing obstructs the view of God’s work in and through us. May we shine brightly, reflecting His love and grace to all who look our way.

    Loving you all, 