First Christian Church | Pittsfield


Do Not Ignore Trouble Signs

04.23.24 | Michael's Corner | by Michael Ten Eyck

    Dear Church Family,

    Have you ever experienced a situation where ignoring a small problem led to a much bigger crisis? Perhaps it was something as mundane as noisy brakes or your car slipping out of gear, seemingly minor at first but ultimately causing a breakdown when ignored. It's a lesson in not ignoring signs of trouble, a lesson that extends far beyond mechanical failures into the realm of our spiritual lives.

    Recently, I had a similar experience with my car. I noticed the transmission slipping a bit over the past few weeks but brushed it off, thinking it would sort itself out. However, during a trip to Bloomington, the transmission completely gave out, leaving us stranded in a parking lot. It was a stark reminder that ignoring warning signs can have serious consequences. 

    Just as we shouldn't ignore mechanical signs of trouble in our vehicles, we must also be vigilant about recognizing and addressing spiritual signs of struggles in our lives. Consider some common signs of spiritual distress: prayerlessness, anger, unforgiveness, mockery, hopelessness, worry, and sin. These are not to be taken lightly, for they can lead to a breakdown in our relationship with God and others.

    Prayerlessness is like running a car without fuel. It leaves us spiritually depleted and disconnected from God, our ultimate source of strength and guidance.

    Anger, worry, and unforgiveness are like corrosive substances that eat away at our peace and joy, hindering our ability to love and serve others as Christ taught us.

    Mockery and sin, whether directed at ourselves or others, reflect a lack of respect for the dignity of God's creation and can poison relationships and communities.

    Just as a mechanic can diagnose and fix issues with a car before they become major problems, we have resources available to help us address spiritual struggles. Regular prayer, seeking counsel from wise mentors or pastors, practicing forgiveness and reconciliation, and cultivating a spirit of humility and gratitude are essential maintenance tools for our spiritual well-being.

    Let's not wait for a breakdown to take action. Let's heed the signs of trouble in both our physical and spiritual lives, seeking help and making necessary changes before small problems escalate into crises. May we be attentive to the whispers of warning and responsive to the promptings of the Holy Spirit, ensuring that our journey of faith is smooth and steadfast.

    Loving you all, 
