First Christian Church | Pittsfield


Expanding Our Relationships: Jesus, Individuals, and Our Church

01.14.25 | Elder's Corner | by David Bishop

    By the time the ink dries and you get this Newsletter, most of us will have stopped putting 2024 in the date line for checks and other mail. It is likely that we will have experienced the coldest low temperature for 2025, and we will have logged two snow events for the new year. Some of you have had the first declared “Virtual Cookie Sunday” ever at FCC, and others will have experienced the only month with two actual “Cookie Sundays” in a row. With all the events, activities, and busy-ness already going on in 2025, I want to remind each member of the opportunities for continued growth that are available. To be clear, it is not works that get us to Heaven, but fellowship and accountability to our Savior, other people and our Church improve relationships and please our God.

    From our organizational documents, “First Christian Church of Pittsfield is a Bible-based fellowship called to reach the lost and hurting, teach and disciple believers to apply God’s word in their lives, and empower them to be Spirit-filled and led believers who are faithfully serving in their unique calling to ministry.” This proclamation supports the message taught by Jesus in Mathew 25. When “the King” returns to separate the sheep from the goats he will make the statement, “Whatever you did for the least of these, you did it also to me.” With that lesson in mind, I want to highlight the principal ministry pillars that are recognized by FCC leadership. I will emphasize the appointed Elder for 2025 who serves in addition to the Executive Committee, Pastor and staff, the Church Board, Deacons, and standing and appointed church committees.

    Administration: Church Board and Staff caring for Property, Crossroads Schedules and use, and Community Outreach (Bob Clark)

    Public Relations: Message broadcasts, Website, Greeters, Ushers, Mailings and Coffee host (Roger Brokaw)

    Fellowship: CMF, CWF, Funeral Meals, Special Events, Kitchen Crew, Family Meals, Cookie Sunday (Charlotte Dunham)

    Christian Education: Sunday School, Youth Ministries, VBS, Connection Groups, Leadership Training, MVCSC, Bible Studies (Wayne Chamberlain)

    Worship and Intercession: Vesper Choir, Music Teams, Cantata, Stage Crews and Decorating, Drama, Alter Prayer (Matt Saxe)

    Evangelism, Missions, and Outreach: Missionaries, Unmet Needs, Local Outreach, Adopt-a-family, Shoebox, and Disaster Ministries (Alicia Tate)

    Stewardship: Annual Budgets, Giving, Trustees, Fundraising, Investments, Insurance, Memorials, Scholarships (Zack Boren)

    Shepherding: Counseling, Card care, Communion to Shut-ins, College Contacts, Meals for Health and Recovery, Pastoral Care, Baby Dedications (David Bishop)

    Long-Range Planning: Research and Development, Future Plans and Strategies, Projects and Facilities Development (Steve Tharp)

    All of the Elders recognize the leaders of standing and appointed committees and those who actively support the long list of essential activities. The upcoming Annual Report will include a synopsis of each committee and the names of contacts. Each of us welcome your inputs and participation as much as possible.

    Respectfully Submitted:

    David Bishop