First Christian Church | Pittsfield


Looking Ahead

09.08.20 | Elder's Corner | by N.D. Harrison

    We all know that COVID-19 has had a major impact on our lives here in 2020.

    On Jan 1 we had no idea that in a few weeks we would no longer be able to eat inside restaurants, do business inside banks and be restricted in so many other ways. We had no idea that children would no longer be allowed to go to their schools. We had no idea that many businesses would be considered nonessential and temporarily shuttered. We had no idea that the breadwinners for so many families would suddenly lose their jobs.

    COVID-19 created unexpected, and seemingly random, winners and losers in the business world. Winners included manufacturers and retailers of ice cream, disinfectant sprays and wipes, toilet paper, paper towels, home cooking equipment, gardening equipment, fitness equipment, casual clothing (including sweatpants), motorhomes and travel trailers. Online shopping services and delivery services were big winners. Losers included dine-in restaurants, hotels, shopping malls, barber shops, beauty salons, businesses with no on-line presence and manufacturers and retailers of deodorant, cosmetics and upscale apparel.

    I miss worshipping with my fellow Christians together in the sanctuary but I feel like FCC was equipped to handle this unexpected event. For years we have been recording and posting services online and encouraging online contributions. When FCC went totally online, Geared Up (John Hull and Charlie Hull) helped step up the quality of our videos by making their cameras and their talents available. We have some people onboard who are pretty good with technology (John, Charlie, Bob Clark, Pastor Michael and others). And, as always, there are plenty of other people willing to step in and help however they can.

    Early in 2020 plans for a new education/office facility were progressing. COVID-19 has caused us to pause and consider whether additional protections for individuals’ health and more flexibility could be incorporated into the construction to serve long-term needs. In the short term, there is a continuing need for additional restrooms in our church building and a need for office space in the event the administration building is sold. We hope to begin some of these renovations soon. We strive to satisfy both current and long-term needs of our congregation.

    According to KPMG, an international CPA firm, more than two-thirds of large company CEOs plan to permanently downsize their office space because of this pandemic. We certainly do not want to permanently, or even temporarily, downsize the worship of our risen Lord and Savior. I hope all of us can be patient and offer support as the Elders, the Church Board and various committees and groups work and pray their way through the process of trying to accommodate current and long-term needs of the congregation while being good stewards of the money entrusted to them. Please offer to help with this wherever you can.

    In Christian Love,
    N.D. Harrison, Elder