First Christian Church | Pittsfield



03.10.20 | Elder's Corner | by Wayne Chamberlain

    A couple of months ago, I came across a devotion that was entitled “Everybody Loves a Story, Especially a Story About Family.” How true is that?

     I’m sure many of us have heard family stories.  It may be an immigration story, a war story, perhaps a wedding, vacation, or job related event.  Many stories are encouraging about people and events, yet no matter how many times the story has been told, family members enjoy hearing those stories again and again.  On top of that, they have heard it so often they can tell the story themselves.

     Reading this devotion, I was asking myself what story or stories do I long to hear from the Bible again?  There are many dealing with mercy, which is something we ask for but do not deserve.  Can I quote a story by the book, chapter, and verse?  Am I willing to pass-on the Good News about God’s mercy?  And no matter how many times I have heard about God’s mercy, do I want to hear it again and again that “God’s mercy endures forever?”

     There are many Bible stories with mercy to show evidence of that truth.  Look up mercy in the concordance of your Bible.  I have a Bible with over 30 references to the word mercy that share scripture to the evidence of that truth.

     One such reference to mercy is found in Psalms 136, which in the New King James Bible is entitled Thanksgiving to God for His Enduring Mercy.  Verses 1 through 26 remind us of His enduring mercy.  In the Old Testament, the priest would call God’s people together to worship and lead them to recite an easily remembered phrase such as “For His mercy endures forever.”  The priest would share truths about God.  He would tell about God creating the Earth, saving the Israelites from Egyptian slavery, defeating enemies, remembering them each time they call out for forgiveness, and God rescuing them.  After each blessing from God in these stories, the people would respond with, “God’s mercy endures forever.”

     What’s your favorite story of God’s mercy?

     In Christian Love,

    Wayne Chamberlain
