First Christian Church | Pittsfield


Solid Ground

02.02.24 | Michael's Corner | by Michael Ten Eyck

    Dear Church Family,

    Romans 8:14  For all who are led by the spirit of God are sons of God.

    As we navigate the journey of life, sometimes we find ourselves walking in the fog, unsure of what lies ahead. It's in these moments that we must rely on faith, balance, and a keen awareness of our surroundings.

    Monday, as I took my loving, but not very intelligent dog, Jasper, for his walk, the world around us was enveloped in a mysterious fog. Little did I know that this seemingly routine walk would become a metaphor for life's unexpected challenges.

    As we strolled along the familiar path, the sidewalk beneath our feet began to transition from damp to slick and icy. It was a subtle shift, much like the gradual changes we encounter in our lives. Initially, everything seemed manageable, and I continued walking, trusting that the path would remain steady.

    However, my faithful four-legged companion, accustomed to our usual route, kept pulling me towards the familiar spots. As we approached the icy patches, I couldn't help but notice how the dog's instinct was to lead us through those areas, perhaps unaware of the potential danger that lurked beneath.

    In that moment, I realized the parallel to our own lives. We often find comfort in the familiar, even if it leads us to slippery and precarious situations. The allure of routine can blind us to the hazards that lie ahead. The dog's enthusiasm to explore the well-trodden path made me reflect on the tendency to stick with what we know, even when it's not in our best interest.

    As Jasper continued to pull me towards the icy sections, I felt the loss of balance and control. It became clear that, just like in life, sometimes we need to step away from the familiar and seek a more solid footing. It's a reminder that maintaining our balance requires us to make conscious choices, even if it means venturing into the unknown.

    In our spiritual journey, we may encounter foggy moments when the path ahead seems uncertain. It is precisely in those times that we need to rely on our faith and discernment to navigate through the challenges. The lesson from that foggy Monday morning is a simple yet profound one: sometimes, to find sure footing, we must be willing to break away from the familiar and trust that a solid path awaits.

    To find balance in our lives we must understand and recognize when the familiar might lead us astray.  In those times, may we embrace the courage to step onto new ground and find the strength and stability needed to face life's twists and turns with grace and resilience.

    Loving you all, 